Save up to 45% on your monthly energy bill 

At Clean Gas, we care about our clients. In everything that we do, we prioritize the complete happiness of our customers. That’s why we wish to assist you with combatting the rising cost of electricity bills. By upgrading your home appliances from electric to clean burning and efficient propane, you can cut your monthly energy expenditures by as much as 45 percent. 

The ways you can save begin with a single appliance, such as a tankless water heater, which can help you save as much as 25 percent each month on your utility bills. If you also convert your stove, you can reduce your monthly electricity costs by as much as 35 percent. When you add a clothes dryer that runs on propane, you may save your costs by 45 percent, this is what we like to call the “Super Saver.” In other words, you’re well on your way to reducing the amount of money you spend on energy. 

Want to further reduce expenses? Enjoy the peace of mind of a propane generator. Whether on island during a natural disaster or off island for an extended period of time, propane generators offer you the best protection of your home and appliances.

We make things even easier for you by providing a no-cost analysis of the energy efficiency of your house.

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Free Energy Assessment

At Clean Gas, we are aware that converting your electric appliances to propane may appear to be a challenging and difficult task. Because of this, we are happy to provide a free home energy evaluation with no strings attached. In order to provide you with a prompt and comprehensive assessment of your water heater, clothes dryer, and oven range, our certified propane experts will travel to your house at no additional cost to you.

We will then determine the most efficient way to establish a gas line at your location and calculate the potential savings you will see on a monthly basis when you decide to switch  to propane. The whole process takes just twenty minutes to complete. The purpose of this assessment is to help you realize the significant cost savings by utilizing appliances that are powered by propane.

Installation: What To Expect

When installing propane at your location, the trained professionals at Clean Gas will take all of the necessary procedures to guarantee that it is installed safely and effectively. This includes determining the appropriate distances as a primary concern, establishing a concrete platform or block for stability, providing the necessary installation equipment, and acquiring the relevant permits.

You will receive recommendations from us that take into account the prerequisites of your location. Which type of tank, above ground or underground, is preferable, the level of maintenance required to ensure your safety and that there are no additional expenses so you can stay within your budget.

Check out this link for helpful consumer safety videos.

Given that we are certified specialists in propane, we take care of any additional procedures that are required throughout the installation process. If excavation is necessary, our staff will ensure the following:  

  • that the foundation is stable, 
  • that the tank is positioned so that it is at least 18 inches below the surface of the soil, 
  • that it is secured in its placement, 
  • that it is cathodically protected, 
  • and that it is properly backfilled.

Let Clean Gas help you make the switch to propane today. Once you realize the potential savings, you will wonder why you didn’t switch sooner.  

If you found this article helpful, read through our previous blog on how homeowners can save with propane here.

Interested in a free energy assessment or want to learn more about propane and propane appliances? Reach out to a propane specialist at Clean Gas. Call 223-4427 or drop us a line at [email protected]

Propane Gas Installation Customer Experience 

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