Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to convert to propane?

Each installation is different. Clean Gas provides a cost free site visit to evaluate your propane needs and we can supply you with a quote.

What appliances can I run on propane?

The trinity of appliances are the range or cooktop, dryer, and water heater. However, there is also the BBQ, fire pits, tiki torches, generators, mosquito traps, and vehicles that can also run on propane.

Will I save money by switching to propane?

Yes, most people see savings upwards of 40% depending on the size of the family. This is because the cost of electricity is 2/3rds more expensive than propane for BTU.

Do propane appliances cost the same as electric appliances?

The short answer is yes. The long answer is yes and propane appliances last longer and are more efficient. There is a higher cost for the tankless water heater, but it gives the customer a higher return on their investment uprade.

If propane is a hydrocarbon, then why is it call a green energy?

The short answer is yes. The long answer is yes and propane appliances last longer and are more efficient. There is a higher cost for the tankless water heater, but it gives the customer a higher return on their investment uprade.
